The Fantasticast

Jack Kirby

The Fantasticast Episode 349: Fantastic Four #224 - The Darkfield Illumination

The Fantasticast Episode 349

Space Viking: Norseman In Disguise

Hello, and welcome to episode 349 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we're paying a return visit to the Arctic wilderness (not that the Fantastic Four acknowledge their recent trip there) because... uh... look, it's something to do with the red tears of a very tall, very old man, The Neverending Story III, a tiger of indeterminate origin (unless you read the actual text), and a viking-laden flashback that makes the past year of Thor look even better than it currently did, but I'll be buggered if I can recall anything about this partially-formed comic.

Doug Moench, Bill Sienkiewicz, Pablo Marcos, George Roussos, Jim Novak, Jim Salicrup, Jim Shooter, Joe Sinnott, Stan Lee, and Jack Kirby present various bits of Fantastic Four #224 - The Darkfield Illumination. And now, for no reason at all, I'll just recycle some episode text from much earlier in our run. "enslavement on the gangster world with gladiatorial deathmatches comes to a close. Not necessarily a conclusion, but it certainly stops. Do the Fantastic Four have an actual role to play in the issue? Will the long-promised battle". Look, if it's good enough for Marvel, it's good enough for us!

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 293: Fantastic Four #200 - When Titans Clash!

The Fantasticast Episode 293

At Long Last, 200!

Hello, and welcome to episode 200 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

It's finally here. The big one. The climax to the epic Reed Richards/Doctor Doom saga. The first truly impressive anniversary issue from the House of Ideas. Face front, True Believer - this is When Titans Clash. It's oversized, it's overpriced, it's overly-melodramatic, and it's really rather good!

Marv Wolfman, Keith Pollard, Joe Sinnott, Francoise Mouly, John Costanza, Mark Gruenwald, Jim Shooter, and Jack Kirby present Fantastic Four #200, in which Reed and Doom get to punching the living daylights out of each other, a statue causes a riot, Johnny fight some missiles, Alicia can't recognise Ben's voice, and Sue... er... well, the issue isn't perfect.

The Fantasticast is support by Stitcher Premium, home of Wolverine: The Long Night, launching March 12th. Starring Richard Armitage as Wolverine, this ten episode podcast audio drama is the first of its kind for Marvel. For a month's free trial to Stitcher Premium, head over to and enter the promo code Fantasticast.

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 292: What If? #11 - What If The Fantastic Four Were The Original Marvel Bullpen?

The Fantasticast Episode 292

Real-Life Clobberin' Time!

Hello, and welcome to episode 292 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

Hey there, Kirby fans. This week, we're covering the final major contribution of Jack Kirby to the world of the Fantastic Four. Working off an idea from Roy Thomas, Jack imagines a world where Stan Lee, Sol Brodsky, Flo Steinberg, and The King himself become imbued with the powers of the Fantastic Four, and have to track down the mysterious 'S Men' while putting out some of the most notable comics of the 1960s. With hilarious consequences.

Jack Kirby, Mike Royer, Carl Gafford, Bill Wray, and Roy Thomas present What If? #11, an issue that breaks all the rules of What If?, has a ton of fun along the way, includes some astonishing late-period KirbyTech, and casually reveals that Atlantis exists in the 'real' world. Join us, as we bid a final farewell to one of the creators of the Fantastic Four.

Don't forget to join Steve at 3pm on Saturday 28th July at London Film & Comic Con as he interviews Dan Slott and Sara Pichelli about the upcoming Fantastic Four relaunch!

The Fantasticast is support by Stitcher Premium, home of Wolverine: The Long Night, launching March 12th. Starring Richard Armitage as Wolverine, this ten episode podcast audio drama is the first of its kind for Marvel. For a month's free trial to Stitcher Premium, head over to and enter the promo code Fantasticast.

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 271: Fantastic Four #190 - The Way It Was

The Fantasticast Episode 271

Atomic Powered Shotgun

Hello, and welcome to episode 271 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

Is it a reprint? No! Is it a flashback? Er... no? Ish? Is it an original story? Hell, no! Is it an awkward mix of all three hastily assembled to fill an unexpected gap in the production schedule? Yeeeeeaaaahhhhh!

Marv Wolfman, Sal Buscema, and Tony DeZuniga present Fantastic Four #190 - The Way It Was, which awkwardly attempts to craft a narrative out of 189 issues of squabbling, fighting, breaking-up, and Namor's horn. All this, and the latest instalment of Hostess Masterpiece Theatre!

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 253: Marvel Two-in-One #27 - Day Of The Demolisher

The Fantasticast Episode 253

Don't Cry For Me Latveria

Hello, and welcome to episode 253 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we're delving into the realms of the 1970s conspiracy thriller, as a technical wizard, a mesmeric master, and a mind-controlled zombie cyborg from an alternate future ripped from his own time come together to try and assassinate President Jimmy Carter at the moment of his inauguration. Yes, it's our coverage of Marvel Two-in-One #27 - Day Of The Demolisher!

Marv Wolfman, Ron Wilson, and Pablo Marcos come together to put the Fantastic Four (and friends) against The Fixer, Mentallo, and Deathlok the Demolisher. We also get to experience a naked inauguration, and ask the all-important question: Who's crapper? Deathlok or Cyborg Superman?

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 250: Fantastic Four #181 - Side By Side With Annihilus

The Fantasticast Episode 181

You Can't Tie A Knot In Your Neck

Hello, and welcome to episode 250 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

It's celebration time for The Fantasticast, as we reach our milestone 250th episode. And how do we mark this huge moment in our history? Er... by doing nothing about it at all. Instead, we get stuck right into Fantastic Four #181, which sees the FF splintered and scattered across New York and beyond. Reed's fighting against Annihilus, Sue's contending with the return of Agatha Harkness, and Johnny's confronting PTSD with the subtlety of the Presidential tweet.

Roy Thomas, Ron Wilson, and Joe Sinnott present Fantastic Four #181, a tale of battle in the Negative Zone, dredging the Hudson River, kidnapping a child, and watching a marathon of film noir with an extra-dimensional shape-changing chaotic being with a penchant for green and purple.

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 249: Marvel Two-in-One #25 - A Tale Of Two Countries

The Fantasticast Episode 249

Half-Inching The Goodyear Blimp

Hello, and welcome to episode 249 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we're rushing through both Fantastic Four #180 and Marvel Two-in-One #25 in one episode. This task is made a lot easier by Fantastic Four #180 being a cunningly-disguised reprint of Fantastic Four #101. So cunningly-disguised is the reprint that Marvel even got Jack Kirby to draw a brand new cover that does not represent the contents in any way shape or form. Much like most covers from the early 2000s...

Marvel Two-in-One #25 is a more original affair, as The Thing and Iron Fist go for a wander in the jungle and get contracted to provide military training for an entire army. Marv Wolfman has arrived as series writer, joining Ron Wilson and Sam Grainger to present the most logical way to kidnap Ben Grimm from a football stadium.

Lending his vocals to our episode is Patreon supporter Patrick Delmore. Patrick has a new podcast launching this week: Next Generation's First Generation, a Star Trek: The Next Generation commentary podcast. Check out the first episode on September 23rd.

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 243: Marvel Two-in-One #22

The Fantasticast Episode 243

Diagnosis: Moider!

Hello, and welcome to episode 243 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we're heading into hospital with The Thing, The Human Torch, Dr Donald Blake, Thor, half of Black Sun, and Seth. It's Marvel Two-in-One #22, which features the only available doctor in New York and the Egyptian god of death stalking the hall of the hospital in which he works. Bill Mantlo, Ron Wilson, and Pablo Marcos join forces for the first of two consecutive Two-in-One issues to feature the same credited guest star.

Then we're off to the realm of Andy's nightmares to take a look at our first ever TV tie-in comic. The Electric Company comes to Marvel comics in Spidey Super Stories #20, in which Spider-Man, the Human Torch, and the Invisible Girl, to defeat Mysterio and his hateful hate ray of hate. You know, like Mysterio always has.

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 242: Fantastic Four #177 - Look Out For The Frightful Four

The Fantasticast Episode 242

Bitten By A Radioactive Tornado

Hello, and welcome to episode 242 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, to celebrate our coverage of Fantastic Four #177, both Steve and Andy have been placed into restraints and forced to witness the auditions of their replacements. Which is appropriate, as the centrepiece of this issue sees the Frightful Four on the hunt for a male replacement for the team. It goes about as well as you'd expect...

Roy Thomas, an uncredited Mike Friedrich, George Perez and Joe Sinnott bring the Frightful Four to the heart of the Baxter Building, in a tale full of eager wannabes, Texas Twisters, surprise guests, queued vengeance, and brutish doppelgangers. Hang on to your overcoat - this one has more villains than any issue seen to date!

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 240: Fantastic Four #176 - Improbable As It May Seem -- The Impossible Man Is Back In Town

The Fantasticast Episode 240

George Perez Saves Stan Lee!

Hello, and welcome to episode 240 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we're arriving at the much-anticipated Fantastic Four #176, in which The Impossible Man shatters the fourth wall, causing havoc and mayhem in the Marvel Bullpen. With a Jack Kirby cover inspiring the action, Roy Thomas, George Perez and Joe Sinnott pull out all the stops, puncturing egos and giving cameos to just about everyone in the Bullpen.

Joining us for this madcap comic is frequent podcast e-mailer, comic book inker, and lifelong Fantastic Four fan Charles Yoakum. Together, we attempt to identify every single creator cameo, play a round of Starlin or Salicrup, and try and squeeze the entire show through Steve's Poppuppian filter. (It's a joke about an important piece of podcasting equipment, you see.) (Not, admittedly, a very good joke.) (Ah, well...)

Charles can be found at, and his blog at

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 239: Marvel Two-in-One #20 - Showdown At Sea

The Fantasticast Episode 239

Swastika Fidget Spinner

Hello, and welcome to episode 239 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we're finally bring to a completely satisfying (honest, guv) conclusion this multi-annual story involving multiple divergent World War IIs, time-travelling vibranium, mimetic Watchers, and underwhelming period superhero teams. Yes, it's Marvel Two-in-One #20, featuring the Liberty Legion, in their last attempt at standing in the spotlight in the 1970s.

Returning to join us for this episode is Michael Bailey, currently the most prominent Liberty Legion fan to be found within this episode. He's here to try and explain how gyroscopes can affect the power of brain and eyeballs in a jar welded to a giant flying swastika, and to show us why Gerry Anderson hipsters are the worst of the puppet hipsters.

Michael Bailey is the host of numerous podcasts, including From Crisis To Crisis: A Superman Podcast, Views From The Longbox, The Overlooked Dark Knight, the upcoming Married With Comics, and the upcoming It All Comes Back To Superman. All of these, as well as his comics blogging, can be found at

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 238: Marvel Two-In-One Annual #1 - Their Name Is Legion

The Fantasticast Episode 238

The Podcast With Everything But Yuuuul Brynner!

Hello, and welcome to episode 238 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we're doing something new on The Fantasticast. Marvel Two-in-One is going giant sized with Annual #1. Picking up the story threads of Fantastic Four Annual #11, the Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing heads back to World War II (via the world's slowest time machine), teaming up with the Liberty Legion to retrieve half of a vibranium cylinder. As you do.

Returning to The Fantasticast to help us cover this issue is former guest-host, voice of The Thing, podcaster, and fan of obscure World War II superhero teams, Michael Bailey. He's on hand to explain Roy Thomas's Time Wedge, The Thing's things, and exactly what happens when you find yourself rubbing against the crotch seams of the trousers of time.

Michael Bailey is the host of numerous podcasts, including From Crisis To Crisis: A Superman Podcast, Views From The Longbov, The Overlooked Dark Knight, the upcoming Married With Comics, and the upcoming It All Comes Back To Superman. All of these, as well as his comics blogging, can be found at

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 237: Fantastic Four #175 - When Giants Walk The Sky

The Fantasticast Episode 237

Bobblehead Galactus

Hello, and welcome to episode 237 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

It's an anniversary week at The Fantasticast, as we get to grips with the not-super-sized Fantastic Four #175. The High Evolutionary and Galactus are finally getting down to the battle for Counter-Earth, and the Fantastic Four can do little more than stand by and watch. A solution seems almost... impossible...

Roy Thomas and John Buscema (inking himself) present the first ever final ever Galactus story, concluding a tale that began with a giant golden gorilla, and ensuring that the life of Ben Grimm will never be the same again until the next time his life will never be the same again. All this, included in the limits of Galactus's peripheral vision.

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 236: Marvel Two-in-One #19 - The Claws Of The Cougar

The Fantasticast Episode 236

The Inessential Tigra

Hello, and welcome to episode 236 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week on the show, we're taking a look at the history of the Cat People, as Tigra - The 61st Sexiest Female Character in comics, according to CBG - arrives in both the Baxter Building and Marvel Two-in-One #19. Tony Isabella, Bill Mantlo, Sal Buscema and Don Heck introduce an actual Were-Woman (don't think about it) in a book described by one of the team for this episode as "like reading gas."

Joining us for this episode is Gary Lactus, live from his spaceship in space. Gary's a lifelong Fantastic Four fan (although this issue may have affected this passion somewhat, and one of the hosts of SILENCE!, a fantastic comics podcast. Together, we discuss the nomenclature of Greer Nelson - Happy Housewife, the misadventures of Benjamin 'Shagger' Franklin, and exactly how Ben Grimm sleeps at night. And, just for kicks, there's also a brief discussion of a couple of pages in Avengers #151, in which Ben is a bit of a hypocrite.

Find Gary on SILENCE!, every week at Gary's civilian alter ego Fraser Geesin releases comics, short films, and more at Follow Gary on twitter where he is @frasergeesin. And, if you like the very last thing in the show, you can find more at

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Send in your feedback to, or leave them in the comments below. Follow us on twitter, where we are @fantasticast

The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 235: Fantastic Four #174 - Starquest!

The Fantasticast Episode 235

I Drove My Fantasticar Through Your Haystack Last Night

Hello, and welcome to episode 235 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we continue our journey through the story of the High Evolutionary / Galactus war for the very existence of Counter-Earth. Ben and Reed find themselves inciting revolution on Torgo's planet of robots, whilst Johnny and Gorr go jousting on a suspiciously-cliched medieval planet. Well, I say Johnny does this - what he actually does is literally tread water for half a comic.

Roy Thomas, John Buscema, and Joe Sinnott present Fantastic Four #174, containing unusual armour, a life-changing admission, a cunning disguise, a discussion of why Reed isn't working (both literally and figuratively), and someone spoiling the Planet of the Apes. Some of those things might be us.

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 233: Fantastic Four #173 - Counter-Earth Must Die At The Hands Of Galactus!

The Fantasticast Episode 233

Thank You, Rich Buckler

Hello, and welcome to episode 233 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, it's the turn of Fantastic Four #173, as Ben Grimm prepares to battle Galactus in space, before events conspire to split the team up and hunt down a different snack for the World-Eater. Roy Thomas, John Buscema and Joe Sinnott present a tale of digging for oxygen, unconvincing reasons for Sue to stay out of the action, and the return of the surprising character.

But before all of this, we take a few minutes to remember writer and artist Rich Buckler, whose two year tenure as Fantastic Four artist we finished covering just a few months ago. Rich recently passed away after a long battle with cancer, and with his work fresh in our minds, we sit down to discuss his artistic contributions to the Fantastic Four, as well as his wider career in general. 

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 230: Fantastic Four #172 - Cry, The Bedeviled Planet

The Fantasticast Episode 230

Feeding Twinkies To The Cosmic Cube

Hello, and welcome to episode 230 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we're returning to the scene of the crime, with a talking golden gorilla held in Reed Richards' sex dung- I mean, laboratory. It's Fantastic Four #172, which returns the team to space to battle The Destroyer, Herald of Galactus, for the very existence of the High Evolutionary and Counter Earth.

Bill Mantlo, George Perez, and Joe Sinnott present Cry, The Bedeviled Planet, a truncated story of intergalactic life-saving, and space-filling flashbacks. As well as this, we discover that Andy can't remember who's been on the show, and we discover a surprising addition to the very short list of Tony-nominated comics creators.

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 228: Fantastic Four Annual #11 - And Then The Invaders

The Fantasticast Episode 228

8 Simple Rules For Punching A Nazi

Hello, and welcome to episode 228 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

For the first time in nearly three years, we open up the pages of a Fantastic Four Annual. The appearance of The Watcher and the disappearance of a small cylinder sets off a journey into an alternate past where the Nazis won World War II. Any similarity between our subject matter this week and a certain comic published this week is purely coincidental, but that doesn't stop us from spoiling the crap out of Secret Empire #0 as we cover Fantastic Four Annual #11.

Roy Thomas, John Buscema and Sam Grainger team the Fantastic Four with The Invaders to set history back on track (or not back on track, depending on your viewpoint). Featuring confusion as to how causality and memory actually works, Steve attempting to speak German, incredulity at a certain creator with the initials NS, and the discover of the lessons of the postman.

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 220: Fantastic Four #167 - Titans Two

The Fantasticast Episode 220

F$%& The Red Hulk

Hello, and welcome to episode 220 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we teeter on the edge of big changes for the Fantastic Four, as issue #167 sees Ben Grimm, the ever-lovin' blue-eyed Thing, fighting side-by-side with ol' jade jaws himself, The Incredible Hulk. From a secret army base to the top of the Gateway Arch in St Louis, it's an all-out action issue.

In amongst all the punching and changing of status quo, there's also time for Sue to take a level-up in awesome and how she uses her powers, for Reed to be a massive tool at exactly the wrong moment, and for George Perez to continue to impress at the end of his short fill-in run.

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 215: Marvel Two-in-One #12 - The Stalker In The Sands

The Fantasticast Episode 215

Chicken Blindness

Hello, and welcome to episode 215 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

We're off to Israel for this week's episode, strapping into a test rocket and heading for the stars with Marvel Two-in-One #12. Tony Stark has hired The Thing to test a new rocket ship, and nothing could go wrong. Well, maybe some incredibly poor engineering choices and the reappearance of Praestor John. But apart from that, everything will be fine.

We're also welcoming penciller Ron Wilson, who turns out some impressive debut pencils on this issue. And some less-than-impressive debut pencils as well. We're also examining some very non-blue blueprints, and Steve has a bone to pick with The Swordsman. All this, and more, on the latest Fantasticast.

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The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.