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Fantastic Four Annual #2: Sue's Force Fields of Awesome 17

Fantastic Four Annual #2, page 23, panel 1

Fantastic Four Annual #2: Sue's Force Fields of Awesome 17

A Stan Lee Story Spectacular

A Jack Kirby Illustrative Idyll

A Chic Stone Delineation Delight

A Sam Rosen Lettering Landmark

After a few months away as a result of being very busy and disorganised, we're back. Our Patreon briefly dipped below the blogging goal, and then back up again, so the tireless and thankless task of chronicling the tropes of the Fantastic Four continue.

We're getting very close to the end of Fantastic Four Annual #2. At this point in the story, Doom has been lured to the Baxter Building, and all Reed needs is a few more minutes to complete his serum that will allow him to win the day. With Johnny still recovering from his ordeal and Ben pinned to the ground by Doom's miniature paralysis gun, it's up to Sue to buy Doom the time he needs.

First, she throws him off guard by turning him invisible. Then, she deploys her force-fields in one of the most innovative ways we've seen to date. She creates little invisible pellets underneath Doom's feet to throw him off-balance. It's intelligent, creative, and effective, as Doom goes crashing into a nearby computer bank. It's great stuff from Sue.

Check out our coverage of Fantastic Four Annual #2 on our thirty-fourth episode: The Doomcast, with special guest host Alan Middleton