
The Fantasticast Episode 265: Fantastic Four #188 - The Rampage Of Reed Richards

The Fantasticast Episode 265

In A Purple Pigs Eye

Hello, and welcome to episode 265 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we're doing our best to avoid being caught in a battle for our bodies with a being capable of altering the very nature of molecules themselves, as we cover Fantastic Four #188 - The Rampage of Reed Richards. It's an action-packed issue as the Molecule Man battles Reed Richards for control of his body while the rest of the Fantastic Four do their best to save New York.

Len Wein, George Perez, and Joe Sinnott present the only tale in the Marvel Universe where The Watcher attempts crowd control whilst a New York skyscraper rampages through the streets. As well as this issue, we're also covering some unfinished business from last week, as we take a brief look at X-Men #106, and welcome Super Doctor Astronaut Peter Corbeau to the show.

Direct download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/ffcast/FF_Episode_265.mp3

Send in your feedback to fantastic4podcast@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Follow us on twitter, where we are @fantasticast

The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit www.patreon.com/fantasticast to donate and support us.

The Fantasticast is part of the Flickering Myth Podcast network.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at mikedraws.co.uk

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.

The Fantasticast Episode 47: Fantastic Four #43 & X-Men #13

The Fantasticast Episode 47

Because once just isn't enough

(Oops, I can see I gave Sam the wrong X-Men cover to use for the image. That'll teach me to arrange podcast stuff when drunk. Aside: It won't.)

Hello and welcome to the 47th episode of The Fantasticast. There's a strong sense of deja vu in the air today, as thanks to a recording failure, Steve and Andy are doing it all over again. So, for the second time, we're covering Fantastic Four #43, wherein an evil Ben Grimm does his best to help the Frightful Four defeat the Fantastic Four. We're also checking in with X-Men #13, wherein a slightly-brainwashed Johnny Storm does his best to help the X-Men defeat the Juggernaut.

Along the way, we discuss Omnibuses, the departure of Matt Fraction, the awesomeness of Karl Kesel, the un-awesomeness of the original X-Men logo, and we have special guest-appearances from every guest-host we've had on the show to date.

There's also some singing. Sorry about that...

Direct download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/ffcast/FF_Episode_47.mp3

Send in your feedback to fantastic4podcast@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Follow us on twitter, where we are @fantasticast

The Fantasticast is Patreon supported. Visit www.patreon.com/fantasticast to donate and support us.

Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at mikedraws.co.uk

Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.