LQOTM Reminder: Your Favourite Fantastic Four Issue — The Fantasticast

LQOTM Reminder: Your Favourite Fantastic Four Issue

It's been nearly two months since we launched our most recent Listener Question of The Month, and we've had some great responses so far. We've let this one run a little long as our recording schedule has meant that we've not had time on our most recent episodes to cover any feedback. So, we're going to keep this one open for a couple more weeks. Keep your suggestions coming in, and we'll round up all the responses we've had to this question at the beginning of May.

And, just to remind you, here are the 'rules' for your submission:

The Fantastic Four, as a comic, has plenty of different identifiers. It's the first Marvel superhero comic as we know them today. It's a book about explorers. It's a book out discovery. It's a book about crazy, way-out-there concepts. It's a book about family. And I'm sure there are many more interpretations.

What we're looking for is your favourite issue that sums up the Fantastic Four as you see them. And I mean issue, not story arc. It could be because there's a moment or scene that encapsulates your view of the team. It could be that the entire issue sees the writer and artist completely on your wavelength with your view of the Fantastic Four.

Send your nominations to fantastic4podcast@gmail.com, or leave in the comments below.