Fantastic Four Annual #2, page 13, panels 3-4
Fantastic Four Annual #2: Property Damage 36
A Stan Lee Story Spectacular
A Jack Kirby Illustrative Idyll
A Chic Stone Delineation Delight
A Sam Rosen Lettering Landmark
'm a little unsure if this should be included in the Property Damage count. On the one hand, the wall is the same wall that Johnny had already burst through, but on the other hand, Ben is a lot bigger, and he certainly damaged fresh bits of the wall that were previously mildly-singed at best.
I threw in the second panel, as Ben seems to recognise the general bad-ideaness of burning through other-people's walls. Of course, at this point, neither of them knows that Doctor Doom is in charge of Latveria. That piece of knowledge might just have tempered their wall-destroying tempers...
Check out our coverage of Fantastic Four Annual #2 on our thirty-fourth episode: The Doomcast, with special guest host Alan Middleton