Fantastic Four Annual #2, page 2, panels 2-3
Fantastic Four Annual #2: Property Damage 32
A Stan Lee Story Spectacular
A Jack Kirby Illustrative Idyll
A Chic Stone Delineation Delight
A Sam Rosen Lettering Landmark
There are times when the format of this blog means that we skip a lot of very god content. In this case, the good content is the origin of Doctor Doom story that opened Fantastic Four Annual #2. It's a great story, easily one of the highlights of Stan and Jack's collaborations, but with no elements of that story confirming to the categories of the blog, we're forced to skip to the concluding story of the annual.
We open with a random case of jeopardy as the Fantastical starts dropping from the sky because Ben forgot to re-bore the jet exhausts, which we've all neglected to do at one time or another. The team swing into action to clear some room on the highway for landing, but despite their effort, Ben still manages to rear-end an antique car. Just look at what he did to the fender...
Check out our coverage of Fantastic Four Annual #2 on our thirty-fourth episode: The Doomcast, with special guest host Alan Middleton