The Fantasticast Episode 230
Feeding Twinkies To The Cosmic Cube
Hello, and welcome to episode 230 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.
This week, we're returning to the scene of the crime, with a talking golden gorilla held in Reed Richards' sex dung- I mean, laboratory. It's Fantastic Four #172, which returns the team to space to battle The Destroyer, Herald of Galactus, for the very existence of the High Evolutionary and Counter Earth.
Bill Mantlo, George Perez, and Joe Sinnott present Cry, The Bedeviled Planet, a truncated story of intergalactic life-saving, and space-filling flashbacks. As well as this, we discover that Andy can't remember who's been on the show, and we discover a surprising addition to the very short list of Tony-nominated comics creators.
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Original artwork by Michael Georgiou. Check out his work at
Episode cover design by Samuel Savage.