Fantastic Four #31, page 2, panel 4
Fantastic Four #31: Property Damage 37
Written by: Stan Lee, The Man With The Talented Typewriter!
Illustrated by: Jack Kirby, The Man With The Power-Packed Pencil!
Inked by: Chic Stone, The Man With The Panoramic Paint-Brush!
Lettered by: S. Rosen - The Man With The Leaky Lettering Pen!
Well, if you're going to have an earthquake powerful enough to hurl The Thing around, you've got to expect that there's some damage. Following a very specific trail of destruction, Johnny finds a winded Ben sitting in a damaged shower cubicle.
Kirby understands what he needs to show and what he doesn't in order to sell the gag. I have no doubt that he would have drawn a great splash page of Ben, reclining against the cracked tiles, as water cascades from the shower head and pipes onto his head. We don't need to see that - it's far funnier to see his feet protruding from the cubicle.
Check out our coverage of Fantastic Four #31 on our thirty-fifth episode: House of the Fallen Storm