Fantastic Four #31, page 4, panel 2
Fantastic Four #31: Reed's Stretchy Body 86
Written by: Stan Lee, The Man With The Talented Typewriter!
Illustrated by: Jack Kirby, The Man With The Power-Packed Pencil!
Inked by: Chic Stone, The Man With The Panoramic Paint-Brush!
Lettered by: S. Rosen - The Man With The Leaky Lettering Pen!
Well, I ask you - if you were blessed with the ability to stretch your body to inhuman lengths, how would you choose to investigate the disappearance of an entire city block which left nothing but a deep, foreboding hole in the ground?
The next panel shows that the hole is deeper than the limits of Reed's stretching (previously established to be around a dozen or so city blocks), but I have to wonder if Reed might be able to cover more ground if he tried stretching anything other than his torso. That neck must be able to grant him a little more distance...
Check out our coverage of Fantastic Four #31 on our thirty-fifth episode: