Fantastic Four #31, page 11, panels 1-4
Fantastic Four #31: Property Damage 38
Written by: Stan Lee, The Man With The Talented Typewriter!
Illustrated by: Jack Kirby, The Man With The Power-Packed Pencil!
Inked by: Chic Stone, The Man With The Panoramic Paint-Brush!
Lettered by: S. Rosen - The Man With The Leaky Lettering Pen!
I normally try not to show more than a couple of panels at once, but I couldn't resist this sequence in which Ben Grimm saves the Pogo Plane from crashing into a building by... er... completely destroying the Pogo Plane. The hilarity of Ben kicking his leg through the hull so that he takes the impact, as if that would stop the plummeting plane from destroying the building below, is wonderful. And as for Ben's aversion to doors... well, there's no excuse for ripping the plane to pieces just to get outside.
Also, lots of great colour bleed here. I love it!
Check out our coverage of Fantastic Four #31 on our thirty-fifth episode: House of the Fallen Storm