Fantastic Four #31, page 12, panels 3-4
Fantastic Four #31: Reed's Stretchy Body 88
Written by: Stan Lee, The Man With The Talented Typewriter!
Illustrated by: Jack Kirby, The Man With The Power-Packed Pencil!
Inked by: Chic Stone, The Man With The Panoramic Paint-Brush!
Lettered by: S. Rosen - The Man With The Leaky Lettering Pen!
Ah, the simple task of climbing from atop a building to the street level. You'd have thought that, being gifted with the power to stretch as well as an incredible intellect, Reed would choose a simple method of traversing the distance to conserve energy, and simply stretch his body until it reached the ground.
Instead, Reed decides to wrap his legs around the base of a nearby lamppost, then whilst propping his torso against the parapet of the building, grab the top of the lamppost with his hands, then retract his body whilst twisting around the lamppost.
Well done, I guess...
Check out our coverage of Fantastic Four #31 on our thirty-fifth episode: House of the Fallen Storm